Great Leaders of Today

Many great leaders are present today because of their hard work. They are very successful leaders who inspire others and motivate their followers with different actions. In the world, great leaders can face challenges and do not give up in any situation. All great leaders suffer from different challenges initially, but they do not give up because they are passionate and have a clear vision to achieve their goals because their hard and passion give them success in the world.

Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern is the 40th prime minister of New Zealand and a great labor party leader. She is a great leader of today because she worked very hard to become a president. She is a very famous successful leader because she always takes care of her followers. She focuses on the people’s problems because she is very concerned with the local people, and she is the best prime minister of New Zealand who has taken different actions only for her country and its people. She is very famous because of her leadership style. She is very different from the other leaders because she is a kind and humble person. The main purpose of her life is to help others and develop a relationship with the country’s local people. There are different qualities of Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern that show how she is a great leader in the world. Some of the following qualities are very important, and these qualities also inspire people.

  • Open Communication

Today the world suffers from a pandemic. Due to this crisis, most countries face problems. The people are dying, and countries cannot do anything without people. The developing countries are surviving the crisis and suffer from many other challenges. In this crisis, Jacinda communicated with the people through the different platforms of social media such as Facebook. She understood the people’s pain and connected with the people during the pandemic. This action shows the humanized core of her leadership. This action increased her followers all around the world.

  • Equality

Jacinda is focused on equality in the world. She provides proper rights to all people and behaves like a normal person. She wears normal clothes, lives in simplicity, meets with her country people individually, understands their problems, and helps them. She promotes equality in the world because. She is a role model in the 21st century.

  • Building Trust and Respect

            For the prime minister, it is very important to build trust in people because trust is how to build a relationship with the people. Jacinda also gains respect from the people through small actions, and these actions help improve her relationships. For a great leader, a relationship with the followers is necessary because if the followers have no trust in the leaders, they do not follow them and do not like their actions. Jacinda Ardern is always ready to communicate with people and listen. She has both listening and communications skills that are very helpful for her. Because of this quality, she is a great leader of today.

Dan Schulman

Dan Schulman is an American businessman. He is the CEO of PayPal. He is a good leader today because of his leadership skills. He is a great leader because of his hard work in the crisis for the people. He is a motivational speaker, and his motivational speeches change many people’s lives and inspire all people. His father is also a good leader, and he inspires by him and wants to become a good leader. He learns different skills from his father, and today he is one of the good leaders. He has many leadership qualities, inspiring his followers to his qualities. Some are given below:

  • Humility

Humility is the quality of a humble person. He is a very humble person with the employees, and he always focuses on the relationship with the employees. Humility is necessary for leadership because it leads to worker engagement and a lower turnover rate in the business. Humility refers to the different factors that are very important for leaders. These are self-awareness, appreciating, and taking feedback. These three are most important for the leader. Dan Schulman also follows these three strategies that help them become a good leader today.

  • Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is very important for leaders because it helps to understand their own mistakes, which also helps to motivate them. Dan Schulman also focuses on self-awareness because he knows self-awareness is very important.

  • Appreciating Others’ Strengths

It is essential for leaders to appreciate the employees through different activities in the business world because appreciation is very beneficial to increase performance efficiency. Dan Schulman always appreciates his followers because he wants to build relationships with them. This is also the reason he is a great leader of today.

  • Feedback

Dan Schulman is always focused on feedback. He takes feedback from the employees and the followers because it helps improve his performance. The feedback process helps Dan Schulman improve his relationship with the employees and customers, and feedback also helps improve the company’s production.  

  • Honesty

Dan Schulman is a very honest person, and he always focuses on the truth and facts. Honesty is the ability that helps inspire people and positively impacts the company culture. Dan Schulman is honest, and his ability helps build a relationship with the employees. Honesty is Dan Schulman’s skill that plays an important role in his success and helps make him a great leader of today.

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi is an Indian politician and a good leader of today. He is the 14th prime minister of India. His qualities and leadership skills inspire many people. He is famous and a great leader of 2021. According to the UK magazine poll, Narendra Modi is the no.1 leader worldwide because of his actions in leadership. His leadership style is also different from the other great leaders. Some qualities of Narendra Modi are given below:

  • Act Confidently

In leadership, confidence is very important, and if the leader is not confident, how can he influence the people and inspire others? Narendra Modi is the most confident person in the world because he is very confident in his actions. Acting confidently is very important in leadership. Without confidence, leadership is nothing, and the leader must act confidently. For example, if the leader is not confident, how would the followers accept the leader’s advice? Confidence is also why Modi won the political race and became the nation’s prime minister.

  • A Powerful Public Speaker

Narendra Modi is a powerful public speaker who inspires people through motivational speeches. He inspires the nation’s youth because youth is very important in the nation’s development. Besides, he has good communication skills that help improve his relationship with people and motivate them. Modi is a credible open speaker who can easily address each and every aspect of life. There are many qualities of Modi, and it is one of the best skills that play a vital role in the success of Modi. This skill is very important because you tell those important things that are very necessary for the public to know in speech. In leadership, public speaking is very important because it helps build a relationship with the people and positively impacts decision-making. This skill is very helpful for people, but it is also useful for leaders because they learn many new concepts from this experience. The learning process is also essential for leaders because it helps to improve their qualities.

  • Understands People

Narendra Modi is a very kind and humble person who always understands people’s problems and solves their problems. He is the great leader of today 2021 because he understands the people and is always focused on the people’s problems. He is the person who fulfills the needs of the people. Leaders must know the followers’ problems because it helps understand the people and build trust. The leaders should focus on the follower’s problems because it is the responsibility of the leaders. If you want to become a good leader, you should attain this quality in your daily life that helps increase the attraction of different people, which also improves your experience.

  • Lead With Courage

Modi is one of the great leaders and leads the people with different strategies such as motivating the people, and he also focuses on the feedback process because it is the best process to improve the performance. He always prefers the people and their opinions compared to the other people of his party. According to many people, it is very simple but being a leader is not a simple method to lead the people. Most leaders do not use this strategy because they face many problems, so they should follow this strategy that helps increase their performance. According to Helen Keller, “Nothing wandered, nothing picked up.”

Malala Yousafzai

Malala is a Pakistani activist and also a co-founder of the Mala funds. She is one of the best youngest leaders in the world. She is an activist for the right to education and focuses on education for women. In some areas of Pakistan, people do not give women the right to education because they think that women are only born for cooking and other house responsibilities. Malala is a brave young girl who is humble and supportive. Because of her leadership style, she is the great leader of today, 2021. She always focuses on other people, and the main focus of her leadership is to provide the proper rights of education to women. She is a very caring person, that is also the reason for her success. Three characteristics describe Malala’s personality and leadership, i.e., bravery, education, and smartness. The following skills accompany her leadership qualities:

  • Communication Skills

The communication skills of Malala are the best because she knows how to communicate and how to influence people with her communication. She is a good communicator even though she is a good listener and easily understands people. She easily builds relationships with others and takes action against those who do not provide rights to other people. According to her, human rights are very important, especially education. Education is the way to improve the life standard of the people, and it also helps to improve learning ability in the people. Women must focus on education because only educated women create an educated generation.

  • Encourage the People

Malala led women with different motivational theories because she wanted women to get an education and gain equality in the world. In some areas of the world, discrimination is very common, but Malala wants equal rights for women, and she wants that every woman gets an education and achieve her goals. According to the behavioral theory, good leaders are born, not made, and Malala is a good leader of today by birth because of her skills. She also delivers very good motivational speeches to people.

Aurora James

Aurora James is an activist, creative director, and fashion designer. She is a great leader of today because she always tries to promote the tradition of her culture, and she uses different leadership strategies that help her succeed. She is a businesswoman, and the main goal of Aurora James is to promote the tradition of America all around the world through different American dresses. She is a good leader of today, and the main reason for her success lies in the following leadership skills.

  • Accountability

Accountability is the skill that refers to leaders being answerable for their actions, and it also helps to eliminate the time and efforts that leaders spend on their distractive activities. The leader is responsible for each and every action that he does for the followers. Aurora James is a good leader, and she has the skill of accountability. She owns her mistakes and responds to the followers of her actions that help to achieve her goals. She is a very kind person, and she always tries to get feedback from the followers that help her resolve the issues. This skill is also helpful to make her a good leader of today.

  • Management

Aurora is very good at the management of the teams, and she always focuses on all team members through the fulfillment of the needs of the people. In leadership, the leader is responsible for motivating and influencing the people. Leaders also teach many new concepts to the followers through their actions. So, management in leadership is very important because it helps to improve to manage all problems in the company. Aurora James is always focused on management in the company. She uses different strategies that help manage all expenses in the company, and her skills help fulfill its goal and promote the tradition.

  • Decision-Making Skill

Aurora James is a very good decision-maker, and she always focuses on the company decisions that play the most important in success. Aurora James also influences her employees and other followers by the decision-making skills because, in leadership, it is the best way to influence the people.

Adar Poonawalla

Adar Poonawalla is one of the great leaders of today who has been performing the best capabilities over the years. He always ensures the importance of tasks of the employees and guides them about these things so that they can perform better for the success of the business. His company makes vaccines for scary diseases like rabies and other diseases so that the patients can be cured and the chances of death are minimal. The company has the best research and development department in which the latest research is carried on so that the future of pharmaceutical companies is brighter. Poonawalla has great leadership skills, and he has been working over the company’s weaknesses to be covered and minimized.

  • Team Management

Management is one of the best skills for leaders because it can ensure their success. Poonawalla has the best ability to manage the team members, and all the heads of the department are experienced and have great knowledge about these things. He always focuses on the team members, solves their problems with concentration, and builds relationships.

  • Communication

Poonawalla has the best communication and listening skills that help him become a good leader. There is always communication, even over the little things, to be much better, and the issues can be resolved at the low stage. The team members often organize meetings, and Poonawalla takes these meetings to know about every activity in the business. According to Poonawalla, communication is the best way to develop a good relationship with the employees. It also helps to improve the creativity of the employees and leaders.

  • Creativity

It is one of the best skills of great leaders of today that they are very creative and promote creativity in the organization’s employees. Creativity improves the quality of work and enhances innovation in the work. Poonawalla has always promoted creativity in the company, and he believes that innovative products can be more beneficial for the company’s success. It can also help to gain a competitive advantage.

  • Change Management

Change management is a unique leadership skill of Poonawalla, and this ability is also why he is the good leader of today. Poonawalla has focused on change management in the organization to increase its productivity, and it has a long-term impact on its performance. Changes in the structure, product quality, and product line can increase the customers’ attention towards their work, and it has also impacted the company’s goodwill.

  • Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is necessary for a great leader of today because this helps increase the profit and reduce expenses of the production in the company. Poonawalla has always focused on strategic thinking. It is the skill of leaders that they preplan the activities and make such strategies that have a long-term impact on the organization’s success. Strategies are made for every activity, and possible outcomes are also analyzed to eliminate the risks.


  1. Who are the great leaders of today?

Many great leaders of today lead a lot of people. They inspire people by their leadership skills. Some of the greatest leaders of today are given below:

  • Adar Poonawalla
  • Aurora James
  • Malala Yousafzai
  • Jacinda Ardern
  • Adar Poonawalla
  1. What are the qualities of the great leaders of today?

Leaders have many skills that help to fulfill their responsibility. Many people in the world want to become great leaders of today, so they should focus on their skills that will be very useful for improving their leadership. Leaders of today have a lot of skills; some of them are given below:

  • Team management
  • Effective communication
  • Active listener
  • Ability to motivate
  • Strategic thinking
  1. What are the leadership skills of Jacinda Ardern?

Jacinda Ardern is a New Zealand politician. She is one of the great leaders of today. She is inspiring a lot of people with her leadership skills which are given below:

  • Open communication
  • Equality
  • Build trust and respect.
  1. Who is Narendra Modi?

Narendra Modi is an Indian politician and one of the world’s great leaders. He is the 14th prime mister of India. Many people inspire Narendra Modi because he is a great leader, and he easily motivates people with his communication skills. He is also one of the best public speakers and a great politician. He always focuses on the people and solves their problems; these qualities make him a great leader of today.  

  1. What are the leadership qualities of Adar Poonawalla?

Adar Poonawalla is a great leader in the world because of his skills. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the Serum Institute of India. Some leadership skills of Adar Poonawalla are given below:

  • Team management
  • Communication
  • Strategic thinking
  • Change management
  • Creativity


Today’s many good leaders influence the people and positively impact the world through their most beneficial leadership skills. Today, many great leaders can improve the thinking of individuals. All around the world, leaders impact the people because they promote the rights of the people. Leaders have no personal interest; they only work for the people and benefit the local people. Great leaders of today always focus on creativity and problem-solving skills.


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